Lee Orozco因一级谋杀Eric Nelson被捕,Eric Nelson于8月被殴打致死。 Lee Orozco was arrested for the first-degree murder of Eric Nelson, who died from a beating in August.
Lee Orozco, 34岁,于2023年8月在圣地亚哥的使团湾被逮捕,并被指控犯有一级谋杀罪,罪名是2023年8月对51岁的Eric Nelson进行致命殴打。 Lee Orozco, 34, was arrested and charged with first-degree murder for the fatal beating of Eric Nelson, 51, in Mission Bay, San Diego, in August 2023. Nelson在25天后因受伤而死亡,被判杀人罪。 Nelson died 25 days later from his injuries, which were ruled a homicide. Orozco还被指控持有麻醉品和侵犯他人财产。 Orozco was also charged with possession of narcotics and encroachment. 他被在没有保释的情况下关押,等待传讯。 He is being held without bail, awaiting arraignment. 当局正在寻求有关该案件的进一步资料。 Authorities are seeking additional information on the case.