密歇根州杰克逊市因水厂故障而发布开水咨询,影响了数千人。 Jackson, Michigan, issues boil water advisory due to water plant malfunction, affecting thousands.
由于水处理厂发生故障,密歇根州杰克逊市为其居民以及布莱克曼、里昂尼和顶峰城镇的部分地区发布了一份煮水咨询书。 The City of Jackson, Michigan, has issued a boil water advisory for its residents and parts of Blackman, Leoni, and Summit Townships due to a malfunction at the Water Treatment Plant. 虽然没有检测到细菌,但建议居民在12月15日之前将自来水煮开一分钟。 Though no bacteria have been detected, residents are advised to boil tap water for one minute before use until December 15th. 进一步测试将确定何时可以解除咨询。 Further tests will determine when the advisory can be lifted. 该市建议检查官方网站以更新最新信息。 The city advises checking the official website for updates.