父亲在他7岁的儿子被发现死在尼日利亚的一个建筑坑中后被捕。 Father arrested after his 7-year-old son was found dead in a construction pit in Nigeria.
一名40岁的父亲Alfred Bassey在尼日利亚阿南布拉州被捕,因为他的7岁儿子被发现死在一个未完工的建筑工地的烟井坑里。 A 40-year-old father, Alfred Bassey, was arrested in Anambra State, Nigeria, after his seven-year-old son was found dead in a soakaway pit at an uncompleted construction site. 据报道,Bassey把孩子单独留在大楼里。 Bassey had reportedly left the child alone in the building. 警察已将案件移交进一步调查,警务专员敦促父母将子女的安全放在优先地位。 The police have transferred the case for further investigation, and the Commissioner of Police urged parents to prioritize their children's safety.