尼日利亚男子因涉嫌谋杀和虐待被秘密埋葬的11岁男仆而被还押候审。 Nigerian man remanded for alleged murder and abuse of 11-year-old houseboy, buried secretly.
名叫Anthony Onyeukwu的47岁男子因被控虐待和杀害他的11岁男仆Goodluck John被捕后,在尼日利亚Enugu被还押。 A 47-year-old man named Anthony Onyeukwu has been remanded in Enugu, Nigeria, after he was arrested for the alleged abuse and killing of his 11-year-old houseboy, Goodluck John. Onyeukwu被指控在未向当局报告其死亡的情况下埋葬了这名男孩。 Onyeukwu was accused of burying the boy without reporting his death to authorities. 本案已休庭至11月20日。 The case has been adjourned until November 20. 总督的妻子办公室警告不要虐待儿童,强调这种行为将受到惩罚。 The Office of the Governor's wife warned against child abuse, emphasizing that such acts will be punished.