前伙伴William Zientek被控在Barrington杀害Olga Duchon博士;声称自卫。 Ex-partner William Zientek accused of killing Dr. Olga Duchon in Barrington; claims self-defense.
William Zientek是Lake县内分泌学家Olga Duchon博士的前伴侣, 被控在巴林顿杀害她。 William Zientek, an ex-partner of Dr. Olga Duchon, a Lake County endocrinologist, is accused of killing her in Barrington. Zientek声称自己自卫, Duchon用枪威胁他, 但她的家人对此提出异议, 说她没有枪, 他先用棒球棍打她。 Zientek claims self-defense, arguing Duchon threatened him with a gun, but her family disputes this, saying she didn't own guns and that he hit her with a baseball bat first. Zientek拥有针对他的保护令,被控使用偷来的枪,犯有一级谋杀罪。 Zientek, who had a protection order against him, is charged with first-degree murder, using a stolen gun. 他仍然在押,并定于1月9日传讯。 He remains in custody, with an arraignment scheduled for January 9th.