中国学生欺骗旅馆免费逗留,谎称房间不卫生。 Chinese student tricked hotels into giving free stays by falsely claiming rooms were unsanitary.
据称,一名21岁的中国学生江江在10个月的时间里骗骗了多达63家旅馆提供免费住宿,使用死虫子和使用避孕套使房间显得不卫生。 A 21-year-old Chinese student, Jiang, allegedly tricked up to 63 hotels over 10 months into providing free stays by using dead bugs and used condoms to make rooms appear unsanitary. 江江会每天检查多家旅馆,抱怨条件不佳,并威胁进行不良审查,除非提供免费住宿。 Jiang would check into multiple hotels daily, complain about the conditions, and threaten bad reviews unless provided with free accommodations. 几家旅馆抓住了骗局,并通知了警方。 Several hotels caught on to the scam and notified the police.