中国外交部长呼吁实现中东和平,敦促尊重叙利亚主权。 Chinese Foreign Minister calls for Middle East peace, urges respect for Syria's sovereignty.
中国外交部长王仪呼吁结束中东的暴力,强调政治解决办法和尊重叙利亚主权。 Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi called for an end to violence in the Middle East, emphasizing a political solution and respect for Syria's sovereignty. 他敦促所有各方遵循联合国安全理事会决议,防止使紧张局势升级的行动。 He urged all parties to follow UN Security Council resolutions and prevent actions that escalate tensions. 王还强调有必要为区域稳定建立可持续安全框架并开展对话,同时对加沙的人道主义危机表示关切。 Wang also highlighted the need for a sustainable security framework and dialogue for regional stability, while expressing concern over the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.