印度人民党领袖批评国会在议会辩论中曲解印度历史和宪法。 BJP leader criticizes Congress for misinterpreting Indian history and the Constitution during a parliamentary debate.
在一次Lok Sabha辩论期间,人民党领导人Ravi Shankar Prasad批评国会党缺乏对印度历史和宪法的理解。 During a Lok Sabha debate, BJP leader Ravi Shankar Prasad criticized the Congress party for lacking understanding of Indian history and the Constitution. Prasad认为,原《宪法》包括印度神和一些莫卧儿皇帝的图像,但其他则没有,建议国会在今天抗议列入这些图象。 Prasad argued that the original Constitution included images of Hindu deities and some Mughal emperors but not others, suggesting the Congress would protest such inclusions today. 他还着重指出,国会未能承认Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel和Maulana Abul Kalam Azad等领导人的贡献。 He also highlighted the Congress's failure to acknowledge contributions by leaders like Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. 普拉萨德强调印度的世俗遗产,并批评国会对奥朗日布等历史人物所持的立场。 Prasad emphasized India’s secular heritage and criticized the Congress for its stance on historical figures like Aurangzeb.