博蒙特警方在 Rodeway Inn 逮捕了 44 岁的特伦斯·科米尔 (Terrance Cormier),罪名是贩毒;他被发现携带甲基苯丙胺并被带到杰斐逊县监狱。 Beaumont police arrested 44-year-old Terrance Cormier at Rodeway Inn for drug trafficking; he was found with methamphetamine and taken to Jefferson County Jail.
博蒙特警方在北 11 街的罗德威旅馆逮捕了一名名叫特伦斯·科米尔 (Terrance Cormier) 的男子,罪名是利用汽车旅馆房间进行贩毒。 The Beaumont police arrested a man, Terrance Cormier, at the Rodeway Inn on North 11th Street for using the motel room for drug trafficking. 44岁的科米尔被发现携带大量疑似甲基苯丙胺。 Cormier, aged 44, was found with a quantity of suspected methamphetamine. 他因持有受管制物质而被捕并被带到杰斐逊县监狱。 He was arrested for possession of a controlled substance and taken to the Jefferson County Jail. 警方与特警队、特别任务部队和 K-9 部队合作,对汽车旅馆执行了搜查令。 The police carried out a search warrant at the motel, working together with the SWAT, Special Assignment Unit, and a K-9 unit.