南韩总统Yoon Suk Yeol因宣布戒严而面临辞职的呼声。 South Korea's President Yoon Suk Yeol faces calls for resignation over declaring martial law.
韩国总统Yoon Suk Yeol在执政党要求弹劾宣布戒严令后面临辞职压力, South Korea's President Yoon Suk Yeol faces pressure to resign after the ruling party called for his impeachment over declaring martial law, which he later rescinded. 尹锡悦发誓要“战斗到底”,否认选举舞弊的指控,并抵制停职的呼吁。 Yoon has vowed to "fight to the end," denying allegations of election fraud and resisting calls for suspension. 尽管他的辞职得到公众支持,但尹永坚持要留任。 Despite public support for his resignation, Yoon insists on staying in office.