一架小型飞机在纽约684号州际公路坠毁,造成一人死亡,另一人重伤。 A small plane crashed on Interstate 684 in New York, killing one and critically injuring another.
一架小型飞机在纽约哈里森684号州际公路坠毁,造成一人死亡,另一人重伤。 A small plane crashed on Interstate 684 in Harrison, New York, killing one person and critically injuring another. 事件发生在下午7时左右,导致高速公路关闭和交通中断。 The incident occurred around 7 p.m., leading to the highway's closure and traffic disruptions. 这架飞机是一架单引擎Tecnam P-2008型飞机,从新泽西起飞,在坠机前报告了引擎故障。 The plane, a single-engine Tecnam P-2008, took off from New Jersey and reported engine troubles before the crash. 国家运输安全委员会正在进行调查,环境保护局正在清理溢出航空燃料。 The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating, and the Department of Environmental Conservation is cleaning up spilled aviation fuel. 总督Kathy Hochul对受伤乘客安全康复表示哀悼和希望。 Governor Kathy Hochul expressed condolences and hopes for a safe recovery for the injured passenger.