孟买一栋六层空置的建筑物部分倒塌,没有伤亡报告。 A six-story vacant building in Mumbai partially collapsed, with no reported casualties.
孟买Bhendi Bazar地区六层空置大楼于周五清晨部分倒塌。 A six-story vacant building in Mumbai's Bhendi Bazar area partially collapsed early Friday morning. 该大楼因状况不佳而空置。 The building was vacant due to its poor condition. 没有人员伤亡的报道。 No casualties were reported. 消防队和灾害管理队开展了搜索行动,警察维持了现场的秩序。 Fire brigade and disaster management teams conducted search operations, and police maintained order at the scene. 倒塌的原因尚未确定,但大楼的恶化状态可能是一个促成因素。 The cause of the collapse is yet to be determined, but the building’s deteriorated state is suspected to be a contributing factor. 当局敦促居民离该地区远点。 Authorities are urging residents to stay away from the area.