美国军事院校的性攻击报告连续第二年下降,显示五角大楼的数据。 Sexual assault reports at U.S. military academies drop for a second year, shows Pentagon data.
根据五角大楼的数据,2024年美国军事院校报告的性侵犯事件连续第二年下降。 Reported sexual assaults at U.S. military service academies fell for the second straight year in 2024, according to Pentagon data. 这一下降是此前导致领导层变化的激增之后发生的。 This decline follows a previous surge that prompted leadership changes. 一项匿名调查显示,遭遇意外性接触的学生人数有所减少,13%的女学生和3.6%的男学生报告发生性关系,低于2022年的21.2%和4.4%。 An anonymous survey showed a decrease in students experiencing unwanted sexual contact, with 13% of female students and 3.6% of male students reporting incidents, down from 21.2% and 4.4% respectively in 2022. 虽然下降情况令人鼓舞,但官员们指出,在解决这一问题方面仍有许多工作要做。 While the drop is encouraging, officials note that much work remains to address the issue.