斯科舍银行获得美联储批准,将其在KeyCorp的股份增加到近15%,价值28亿美元。 Scotiabank gains Federal Reserve approval to increase its stake in KeyCorp to nearly 15%, valued at $2.8 billion.
联邦储备局批准了斯科舍银行关于将其在KeyCorp的股份增加到14.99%的要求,从4.93%上升到14.99%。 The Federal Reserve has approved Scotiabank's request to increase its stake in KeyCorp to 14.99%, up from 4.93%. 这项行动价值约28亿美元,使加拿大银行能够间接获得对KeyBank全国协会的更多控制权,而无需在零售银行市场上直接竞争。 This move, valued at around $2.8 billion, allows the Canadian bank to indirectly gain more control over KeyBank National Association without direct competition in retail banking markets. 司法部和其他银行机构审查了该建议,没有反对。 The Justice Department and other banking agencies reviewed the proposal and did not object.