巴基斯坦官方讨论部长和多边核方案的薪金与福利, 突显经济约束与奢侈车辆问题。 Pakistani official discusses salaries and perks of ministers and MNAs, highlighting economic restraints and luxury vehicle concerns.
联邦部长阿扎姆·纳泽尔·塔拉尔在参议院会议上讨论了巴基斯坦联邦部长和国民议会议员的薪金和优待。 Federal Minister Azam Nazeer Tarar discussed the salaries and perks of Pakistani federal ministers and Members of the National Assembly (MNAs) in a Senate session. MNA 每月领取 156,000 卢比,没有车辆津贴,水电费为 8,000 卢比。 MNAs receive Rs156,000 monthly with no vehicle allowance and Rs8,000 for utility bills. 联邦部长的收入约为20万卢比,多数选择不领取全额工资。 Federal ministers earn around Rs200,000, with most opting not to take full pay. 他们得到一辆1 500cc的汽车和400升汽油,但必须自己支付电费和煤气费。 They are provided a 1500cc car and 400 litres of petrol, but must pay their own electricity and gas bills. Tarar指出,经济限制往往阻止加薪。 Tarar noted that economic constraints often prevent salary increases. 此外,国家数据库和登记局(Nadra)在2022年为2.643亿卢比购买了35辆汽车,引起对工作人员使用豪华车辆的关切。 Additionally, the National Database and Registration Authority (Nadra) bought 35 vehicles in 2022 for Rs264.3 million, sparking concerns over luxury vehicle use for staff.