巴基斯坦的FBR计划为外勤干事购买1 010辆新车,费用超过60亿卢比。 Pakistan's FBR plans to buy 1,010 new vehicles for field officers at a cost of over Rs6 billion.
巴基斯坦联邦税务局(FBR)计划购买1 010辆新车,费用超过60亿卢比,以提高外地干事的效率。 The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) in Pakistan plans to purchase 1,010 new vehicles at a cost exceeding Rs6 billion to boost field officer efficiency. 采购将分两个阶段进行,首批500部车辆的首期付款为30亿卢比。 The procurement will occur in two phases, with an initial payment of Rs3 billion for the first 500 vehicles. 作为FBR转型计划的一部分,计划在2025年5月前全面交付。 The full delivery is scheduled by May 2025 as part of the FBR's transformation plan.