俄亥俄州立大学撤销了306名雇员的工资加薪,因为拜登的加班规则被推翻。 Ohio State University revoked pay raises for 306 employees due to the overturn of Biden's overtime rule.
在联邦法院推翻拜登总统的加班规则之后,俄亥俄州立大学撤销了对306名非工会雇员的加薪。 Ohio State University has rescinded pay raises for 306 non-union employees after a federal court overturned President Biden's overtime rule. 该大学向雇员通报了提高工资的情况,但现在将恢复以前的薪金,每年节省大学20.47亿美元。 The university had informed employees of the raises but will now revert to previous salaries, saving the university $2.047 million annually. 该规则的推翻意味着某些免责雇员的最低工资门槛恢复到特朗普政府规定的每年35 568美元的水平。 The rule's overturn means the minimum salary threshold for certain exempt employees reverts to $35,568 per year, set by the Trump administration.