在Novato,一辆丰田Camry的丰田汽车在司机发生医疗紧急情况后坠入一所房屋,一名行人近乎失踪。 In Novato, a Toyota Camry crashed into a house after the driver had a medical emergency, narrowly missing a pedestrian.
在加利福尼亚州诺瓦托,一辆丰田凯美瑞撞上了一所房子,行人拉尔夫·马西亚 (Ralph Macia) 在早上散步时险些失踪。 In Novato, California, a Toyota Camry crashed into a house, narrowly missing pedestrian Ralph Macia during his morning walk. 这起事件被摄像头拍到, 显示司机在医疗紧急事件后失去控制, 跳过路面, The incident, captured on a Ring camera, shows the driver losing control after a medical emergency, jumping a curb, and crashing into the house. 司机和乘客被带往医院,受伤。 Both the driver and passenger were taken to the hospital with injuries. 马西亚的快速反应 帮助他避免被击中。 Macia's quick reflexes helped him avoid being hit. 房主的房子受到外部损坏。 The homeowner's house sustained exterior damage.