不列颠哥伦比亚省99号高速公路上的错路驾驶员几乎造成碰撞,在破摄像头上捕捉到。 Wrong-way driver on Highway 99 in British Columbia nearly causes collision, captured on dashcam.
12月11日, 一名司机误开不列颠哥伦比亚省99号公路, 靠近帕斯科溪, On December 11, a driver accidentally drove the wrong way on British Columbia's Highway 99, near Pascoe Creek, nearly colliding with an oncoming vehicle. 正确方向汽车的一名乘客在行车记录仪上拍下了这一事件,并在 Reddit 上分享了这段视频,并评论说:“这些天有司机。 A passenger in the correct-direction car captured the incident on dashcam, sharing the video on Reddit with the comment, "drivers these days." 开错路车的车手及时停车 另一辆车安全通过 The wrong-way driver pulled over just in time for the other car to pass safely.