新西兰更新了饮食补充规则,以促进国际出口。 New Zealand updates dietary supplement rules to boost international exports.
新西兰正在更新其饮食补充条例,以帮助当地公司更好地在国际上竞争。 New Zealand is modernizing its dietary supplement regulations to help local companies better compete internationally. 《治疗产品法废除法案》将把饮食补充规则从旧的《食品法》移到新的《食品法》,允许豁免新西兰的一些出口产品标签要求。 The Therapeutic Products Act Repeal Bill will move dietary supplement rules from the old Food Act to the newer one, allowing for exemptions from some New Zealand labeling requirements for exported products. 这是在今后十年内将出口价值翻一番的努力的一部分,包括计划制定新的立法,更有效地管制自然保健产品。 This is part of efforts to double exports by value in the next ten years and includes plans for new legislation to regulate natural health products more effectively.