蒙特利尔Fairmont Queen Elizabeth酒店因工薪和福利纠纷暂时关闭。 Montreal's Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel closes temporarily due to a labor dispute over pay and benefits.
蒙特利尔Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel将因劳资纠纷暂时关闭。 The Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel in Montreal will temporarily close over the holidays due to a labor dispute. 旅馆将工会工人锁在门外,因为他们拒绝了一项合同提议,导致罢工。 The hotel locked out unionized workers after they rejected a contract offer, leading to strikes. 工会要求更高的工资和更好的福利,而旅馆则声称它已提出得到魁北克其他旅馆接受的合理报价。 The union demands higher pay and better benefits, while the hotel claims it has made reasonable offers accepted by other Quebec hotels. 关闭开始于12月21日, 没有设定重新开放日期。 The closure begins December 21st, with no reopening date set.