警方逮捕了两名刺杀Akeem Mohammed El-Haji的男子;第三名嫌犯逃往墨西哥。 Modesto police arrest two men in stabbing death of Akeem Mohammed El-Haji; third suspect fled to Mexico.
穆德斯托警方逮捕了两名男子,Anahys Cepetillo-Chable和Julio Martinez-Cattillo,他们与Akeem Mohammed El-Haji在莫德斯托被致命刺杀有关。 Modesto police have arrested two men, Anahys Cepetillo-Chable and Julio Martinez-Capetillo, in connection with the fatal stabbing of Akeem Mohammed El-Haji in Modesto. 第三名嫌疑人,Cristofer Vazquez-Villanueva,据信已逃往墨西哥。 A third suspect, Cristofer Vazquez-Villanueva, is believed to have fled to Mexico. 嫌疑人面临谋杀和共谋指控。 The suspects face murder and conspiracy charges. 这次袭击发生在第9街和D街,据信是出于事先袭击的动机。 The attack, which occurred at 9th and D Streets, is believed to have been motivated by a prior assault.