密西西比DOT雇员因贪污价值22,000美元的电线而被捕 Mississippi DOT employee arrested for embezzlement of $22,000 worth of wire.
密西西比交通部雇员Cody J. Ware被逮捕并被指控贪污,据称他拿走了价值22 000美元的电线。 A Mississippi Department of Transportation employee, Cody J. Ware, has been arrested and charged with embezzlement for allegedly taking $22,000 worth of wire. 11月27日,据报发生了这一事件,导致发出逮捕令。 The incident was reported on November 27, leading to an arrest warrant. Ware在家中被捕,被扣押15 000美元的保证金。 Ware was arrested at his home and is being held on a $15,000 bond.