Mickel Cherry,26岁,对在堪萨斯州无家可归者营谋杀和强奸5岁的Zoey Felix一事认罪。 Mickel Cherry, 26, pleaded guilty to murdering and raping 5-year-old Zoey Felix in a Kansas homeless camp.
Mickel Cherry,26岁,对在堪萨斯州一个无家可归者营中5岁的Zoey Felix死亡的一级谋杀和强奸认罪。 Mickel Cherry, 26, has pleaded guilty to first-degree murder and rape in the death of 5-year-old Zoey Felix in a Kansas homeless camp. Cherry 将面临终身监禁且不得假释,他承认在另一人犯罪方面撒谎。 Cherry, who will face life in prison without parole, admitted to lying about another person committing the crime. 该案引发了对儿童福利服务的批评,因为尽管进行了先前的调查,但未能将Zoey从危险环境中带走。 The case has sparked criticism of child welfare services for failing to remove Zoey from the dangerous environment despite previous investigations.