印尼央行采取“大胆”行动, 稳定人民币对美元的疲软。 Indonesia's central bank takes "bold" action to stabilize weakening rupiah against the US dollar.
印尼央行通过“大胆”三重干预干预干预市场, 支持鲁比亚(Rupiah), 这一季度比美元贬值了5%以上。 Indonesia's central bank has intervened in the market with a "bold" triple intervention to support the rupiah, which has fallen more than 5% this quarter against the US dollar. 这一行动的目的是在美元更强劲和全球金融动荡的情况下保持市场信心。 The move aims to maintain market confidence amid a stronger US dollar and global financial volatility. 印度尼西亚银行的Edi Susianto(Edi Susianto)证实了现场干预、无法交付的远期和政府债券市场。 Bank Indonesia's Edi Susianto confirmed the intervention in the spot, non-deliverable forward, and government bond markets.