印度尼西亚央行行长佩里·瓦吉约 (Perry Warjiyo) 保证在全球动荡的形势下通过货币政策控制通胀并稳定印尼盾。 Indonesia's central bank governor, Perry Warjiyo, assures inflation control and rupiah stabilization through monetary policy amid global turbulence.
印尼央行行长佩里·瓦吉约表示,货币政策将确保通胀得到控制,并在全球动荡中稳定印尼盾。 Indonesia's central bank governor, Perry Warjiyo, says monetary policy will ensure inflation remains under control and stabilize the rupiah amid global turbulence. Warjiyo 表示,继 4 月份印尼央行意外上调利率后,印尼盾兑美元的汇率保持稳定。 Warjiyo stated that the rupiah's exchange rate against the dollar remains stable, following a surprise hike in interest rates by Bank Indonesia (BI) in April. 印尼央行还干预外汇市场,以维持信心并平衡供需。 BI has also intervened in the foreign exchange market to maintain confidence and balance supply and demand.