印度农用化学部门的增长预计将从5%至6%上升到下一个财政年度的7-9%。 Indian agrochemical sector growth expected to rise to 7-9% next fiscal year, up from 5-6%.
印度农用化学部门预计将在下一个财政年度增长7-9%,高于本年度的5-6%,其驱动因素是国内需求稳定和出口回升。 The agrochemical sector in India is expected to grow by 7-9% in the next fiscal year, up from 5-6% in the current year, driven by stable domestic demand and recovering exports. 尽管有了这种改善,但增长率仍然低于15-16%的流行前水平。 Despite this improvement, growth remains below pre-pandemic levels of 15-16%. 业务利润率预计将上升到12-13%左右,建议各公司管理周转资本,限制支出,以维持健康的资产负债表。 Operating margins are forecast to rise to about 12-13%, and companies are advised to manage working capital and limit spending to maintain healthy balance sheets.