Geron的药物RYTELO得到欧洲的点头 治疗某些血液紊乱患者的贫血症 Geron's drug RYTELO gets European nod for treating anemia in certain blood disorder patients.
Geron公司的RYTELO药物得到了欧洲药品局的一项积极建议,即治疗低风险肾上腺炎综合征患者的某些类型贫血症。 Geron Corporation's drug RYTELO has received a positive recommendation from the European Medicines Agency for treating certain types of anemia in patients with lower-risk myelodysplastic syndromes. 如果欧盟委员会批准,RYTELO将是欧洲针对这一条件可以使用的第一个调聚酶抑制剂。 If approved by the European Commission, RYTELO would be the first telomerase inhibitor available in Europe for this condition. 该药物旨在减少输血需求,解决这些病人的大量未得到满足的需求。 The drug aims to reduce the need for blood transfusions, addressing a significant unmet need for these patients.