欧洲机构建议批准新的Eli Lilly药物 治疗严重的克罗恩病 European agency recommends approval for new Eli Lilly drug to treat severe Crohn's disease.
欧洲医药机构建议批准Eli Lilly's Omvoh (mirikizumab), 治疗患有中度至重度克罗恩疾病的成年人。 The European Medicines Agency recommended approval for Eli Lilly's Omvoh (mirikizumab) for adults with moderate to severe Crohn's disease based on positive data from a Phase 3 study. 这是朝向欧盟可能获得批准迈出的关键一步,预计将在未来几个月作出最后决定。 This is a crucial step toward potential approval in the EU, with a final decision expected in the coming months. Lilly也在美国和日本递交了Omvoh申请,预计明年初会做出决定。 Lilly has also submitted applications for Omvoh in the U.S. and Japan, with decisions anticipated early next year.