金斯敦警方逮捕了一名毒品价值为135万美元的男子,在狱中面临可能的生活危险。 Kingston police arrested a man with $135K worth of drugs, facing potential life in prison.
11月,金斯敦警方在对贩毒进行了长达一个月的调查后逮捕了一名48岁的Bath居民。 In November, Kingston police arrested a 48-year-old Bath resident after a month-long investigation into drug trafficking. 在一次交通拦截和随后搜查他家期间,当局发现价值超过135 000美元的可卡因和甲基苯丙胺晶体。 During a traffic stop and subsequent search of his home, authorities found over $135,000 worth of cocaine and crystal methamphetamine. 嫌疑人已经因类似指控被发出释放令,现在面临包括贩毒在内的指控,如果被定罪,可能面临终身监禁。 The suspect, already on a release order for similar charges, now faces charges including drug trafficking and could face life in prison if convicted.