中国生物技术公司通过创新的药物和伙伴关系,正在迅速获得全球的显著地位,几乎与美国的输油管道相匹配。 Chinese biotech firms are rapidly gaining global prominence through innovative drugs and partnerships, nearly matching the U.S. pipeline.
中国生物技术公司通过创新的药物发展和伙伴关系,正在获得全球的突出地位。 Chinese biotech firms are gaining global prominence through innovative drug development and partnerships. 最近的成功包括LaNova药品公司与Merck公司的交易和传奇生物科技公司经林业发展局批准的CAR-T疗法。 Recent successes include LaNova Medicines' deal with Merck & Co. and Legend Biotech's FDA-approved CAR-T therapy. 中国的毒品管道现在占全球总量的三分之一以上,几乎相当于美国。 China's drug pipeline now represents over a third of the global total, nearly matching the US. 政府的支持和在药物开发中使用人工智能正在推动这一增长,因为公司注重未满足的医疗需要,并获得国际批准。 The government's support and the use of AI in drug development are driving this growth, as firms focus on unmet medical needs and secure international approvals.