巴士司机因打人和杀害行人而因被纸张分散注意力,被判处两年监禁。 Bus driver sentenced to two years for hitting and killing pedestrian while distracted by paper.
Simon Mumford,54岁的公共汽车司机,在普利茅斯殴打和杀害行人Amallia Elmasry后,被判处两年监禁,禁止驾驶六年。 Simon Mumford, a 54-year-old bus driver, was sentenced to two years in prison and banned from driving for six years after hitting and killing pedestrian Amallia Elmasry in Plymouth. 事件发生时,Mumford正在阅读一张纸,而不是看着Elmasry在交通灯前穿越的道路。 The incident occurred when Mumford was reading a piece of paper instead of watching the road as Elmasry crossed at a traffic light. 闭路电视摄像头拍摄了四秒钟的分心 导致死亡坠机 CCTV footage captured the four-second distraction that led to the fatal crash. 警方强调开车时哪怕是短暂分散注意力的危险。 Police emphasized the dangers of even brief distractions while driving.