24岁的临时许可证持有者Leo Stevens因鲁莽驾驶和缺乏保险,在埃塞克斯州Walton发生三车撞车事故,被判处两年禁令和452英镑罚款。 24-year-old provisional license holder Leo Stevens received a two-year ban and £452 fine for a three-car crash in Walton, Essex, due to reckless driving and lack of insurance.
Leo Stevens,24岁,在2021年7月14日在埃塞克斯的Walton造成三辆汽车撞车后,被判处两年驾驶禁令和452英镑罚款。 Leo Stevens, 24, received a two-year driving ban and a £452 fine after causing a three-car crash in Walton, Essex, on July 14, 2021. 作为没有保险的临时许可证持有者,他承认鲁莽驾驶。 As a provisional license holder without insurance, he admitted to driving recklessly. 史蒂文斯试图超车,撞上了它,随后失去控制,差点与迎面而来的校车相撞。 Stevens attempted to overtake a vehicle, clipped it, and subsequently lost control, nearly colliding with an oncoming school coach. 埃塞克斯警察强调迫切需要道路安全和负责任的驾驶,以保护所有道路使用者。 Essex Police highlighted the critical need for road safety and responsible driving to protect all road users.