伯恩县警长迈克尔・赫尔米格 4月退休 因为帕金森病 27年后。 Boone County Sheriff Michael Helmig retires in April due to Parkinson's disease after 27 years.
布恩县警长迈克尔·赫尔米格 (Michael Helmig) 在服务 27 年后退休,自 2025 年 4 月 15 日起生效,原因是他的健康状况因帕金森病而恶化。 Boone County Sheriff Michael Helmig is retiring after 27 years of service, effective April 15, 2025, due to his deteriorating health from Parkinson's disease. Helmig自1982年以来一直在警长办公室,两年前被诊断患有这一疾病。 Helmig, who has been with the sheriff's office since 1982, was diagnosed with the disease two years ago. 尽管最初允许他继续工作,但病情的发展使他在履行警长的职责时面临挑战。 Despite initial clearance to continue his duties, the progression of the illness has made it challenging for him to fulfill his role as sheriff.