披头士碎裂文件在拍卖时售出超过11 000美元,超过估计数。 Beatles breakup documents sell at auction for over $11,000, exceeding estimates.
与披头士的分手有关的300多页法律文件在拍卖中售出超过11 000美元,超过6 000美元至10 000美元的估计价格。 More than 300 pages of legal documents related to The Beatles' breakup sold at auction for over $11,000, exceeding the estimated price of $6,000 to $10,000. 去年在柜子里发现的文件包括1974年该乐队正式分裂的细节,是由私人买家购买的。 The documents, discovered in a cupboard last year, include details of the band's official split in 1974 and were purchased by a private buyer. 据英国拍卖行道森称这些文件"令人着迷". The UK auction house Dawsons described the papers as "fascinating."