演员雅各布·罗伯茨 (Jacob Roberts) 因在《加冕街》中的角色而闻名,他因在网上发布赤膊照片而受到关注。 Actor Jacob Roberts, known for his role in "Coronation Street," gained attention for posting shirtless photos online.
Jacob Roberts在“康乃馨街”上扮演Kit Green, 最近在社交媒体上分享了无衬衣照片, Jacob Roberts, who plays Kit Green on "Coronation Street," recently shared shirtless photos on social media, gaining attention for his physique. Roberts于2024年加入节目, 曾担任电视航空安装员, 就在登上角色前几周。 Roberts, who joined the show in 2024, was previously working as a TV aerial installer just weeks before landing the role. 他的性格被描述为"误解" 但有一个"善良的心" His character is described as "misunderstood" but has a "good heart."