幕后照片中的大卫尼尔森留着白胡子,戴着眼镜,让人无法辨认。 David Neilson was unrecognizable in a behind-the-scenes photo wearing a white beard and glasses.
因饰演罗伊·克罗珀而闻名的《加冕街》偶像大卫·尼尔森在幕后照片中留着白胡子,戴着眼镜,让人无法辨认。 Coronation Street icon David Neilson, known for playing Roy Cropper, was unrecognisable in a behind-the-scenes snap, wearing a white beard and glasses. 演员尼尔森自 1995 年起饰演咖啡馆老板罗伊,他与电视节目主持人莎朗·马歇尔在罗伊的旧公寓里合影。 Actor Neilson, who has played café owner Roy since 1995, posed with TV presenter Sharon Marshall on set at Roy's old flat. 当时,他扮演的角色罗伊因在肥皂剧中谋杀青少年劳伦·戈登而入狱。 This was while his character Roy was in prison for the murder of teenager Lauren Gordon on the soap.