Yodel警告说,由于包装量大,以及防止骗局的警示,圣诞节交货延误。 Yodel warns of Christmas delivery delays due to high package volumes and cautions against scams.
Yodel是英国的送货服务, 警告顾客预期在圣诞节期间会延迟运送包裹, 因为黑色星期五和网络周一的包裹数量创纪录。 Yodel, a UK delivery service, warns customers to expect delays in parcel deliveries during the Christmas season due to record-breaking volumes of packages from Black Friday and Cyber Monday. 该公司建议允许增加运送和跟踪包裹的天数,同时提醒客户警惕在社交媒体上冒充Yodel的骗局账户。 The company advises allowing extra days for delivery and tracking parcels, while also cautioning customers to be wary of scam accounts impersonating Yodel on social media. 沮丧的顾客报道了长时间的等待时间,并在社交媒体上表达了他们的关切。 Frustrated customers have reported extended wait times and shared their concerns on social media.