爱尔兰家庭面临圣诞信使骗局;假DHL通知催促点击可疑链接。 Irish homes face Christmas courier scam; fake DHL notices urge clicking suspicious links.
爱尔兰家庭在圣诞节前成为信使骗局的目标。 Irish households are being targeted by a courier scam ahead of Christmas. 假的DHL错过了交货通知,敦促人们点击可疑的连接点,以重新安排交货时间。 Fake DHL missed delivery notices urge people to click on suspicious links to reschedule deliveries. DHL确认这些通知是伪造的,并建议检查官方的QR编码,这些编码应改到DHL的官方重订日期点。 DHL confirms these notices are fraudulent and advises checking official QR codes that should redirect to DHL’s official rescheduling site. 接受者不应使用与 DHL 样板不符的卡片或链接。 Recipients should not engage with cards or links that don't match DHL’s example.