西弗吉尼亚州批准关闭7所学校,原因是入学率下降和预算问题。 West Virginia approves closing seven schools due to declining enrollment and budget issues.
西弗吉尼亚州教育委员会批准关闭Clay、Preston、Wetzel和Wood县的另外7所学校,原因是入学率下降和预算限制。 The West Virginia Board of Education approved the closure of seven more schools in Clay, Preston, Wetzel, and Wood counties due to declining enrollment and budget constraints. 关闭的学校包括高中和小学,学生合并到附近的学校。 The closures include high schools and elementary schools, with students consolidating into nearby schools. 教育领袖将紧缩预算和老旧基础设施作为关闭的原因, 而批评者则担心城镇服务损失等更广泛的影响。 Educational leaders cite shrinking budgets and old infrastructure as reasons for the closures, while critics worry about broader impacts like the loss of town services. 随着人口减少,国家面临财政压力,超过10 000名学生使用希望奖学金,进一步减少了学校的经费。 The state faces financial stress as its population declines, with over 10,000 students using the Hope Scholarship, further reducing school funding.