Tracie Green, 64, 被传讯,因为从一个认知有缺陷的护理接受者那里盗取了超过20万美元。 Tracie Green, 64, arraigned for embezzling over $200,000 from a cognitively impaired care recipient.
来自密歇根州的64岁的Tracie Green, 被指控从她所照顾的弱势成年人那里盗取超过20万美元。 Tracie Green, a 64-year-old from Michigan, was arraigned on charges of embezzling over $200,000 from a vulnerable adult she was caring for. 受害人由于认知下降,其投资账户被Green改变,以确保她继承一半的价值。 The victim, suffering from cognitive decline, had their investment accounts altered by Green to ensure she inherited half of the value. 密歇根州总检察长Dana Nessel谴责对弱势成年人的剥削。 Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel condemned the exploitation of vulnerable adults. Green以50 000美元的保证金获释,定于12月18日出庭。 Green was released on a $50,000 bond and is set for a court appearance on December 18.