10月2日,A1(M)在59号关口附近向北行驶:两车辆碰撞导致轻伤、交通堵塞和临时道路关闭。 2 October, A1(M) northbound near junction 59: Two-vehicle collision led to minor injuries, traffic jam, and temporary road closure.
10月2日早上8时45分左右,在牛顿艾克利夫59号交口附近北行的A1(M)号公路发生两辆汽车碰撞。 On October 2, at approximately 8:45 am, a two-vehicle collision occurred on the A1(M) northbound near junction 59, Newton Aycliffe. 一人受轻伤,在达林顿纪念医院住院。 One person sustained minor injuries and was hospitalized at Darlington Memorial Hospital. 道路暂时关闭,造成一英里交通堵塞,但此后又重新开放。 The road was temporarily closed, causing a one-mile traffic jam, but has since reopened. 建议司机期待该地区出现延误,因为紧急服务处管理现场。 Drivers were advised to expect delays in the area as emergency services managed the scene.