泰国研究人员正在对用于肌肉和共同疼痛的传统草药压缩进行现代化改造,以确保其有效性和标准化。 Thai researchers are modernizing traditional herbal compresses for muscle and joint pain to ensure their effectiveness and standardization.
泰国Thammasat大学的研究人员正在研究几个世纪以来用于治疗肌肉疼痛、关节疼痛和炎症的传统草药压缩。 Researchers at Thailand's Thammasat University are studying traditional herbal compresses used for centuries to treat muscle aches, joint pain, and inflammation. 它们的目标是确认这一传统做法并使之标准化,查明助长抗炎效应的具体草药成分。 Their goal is to validate and standardize this traditional practice, identifying specific herbal components contributing to anti-inflammatory effects. 该小组正在开发现代应用,如冷却液凝胶补丁和电动草药压缩机,以提供受控释放和标准化剂量,使这些古老的补救办法更易于利用和有效。 The team is developing modern applications, such as cooling hydrogel patches and electric herbal compresses, to provide controlled release and standardized dosages, making these ancient remedies more accessible and effective.