印度和泰国在第十次联合委员会会议上签署了阿育吠陀和泰国传统医学学术合作谅解备忘录。 India and Thailand signed an MoU for academic collaboration in Ayurveda and Thai traditional medicine at their 10th Joint Commission Meeting.
印度和泰国在第十次联合委员会会议上签署了一份谅解备忘录,以在阿育吠陀和泰国传统医学方面建立学术合作。 India and Thailand signed an MoU to establish academic collaboration in Ayurveda and Thai traditional medicine during their 10th Joint Commission Meeting. 斋浦尔国家阿育吠陀研究所和泰国传统和替代医学部签署了该协议。 The National Institute of Ayurveda in Jaipur and the Department of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine signed the agreement. 该合作旨在促进、促进和发展阿育吠陀和泰国传统医学领域的学术合作。 The collaboration aims to promote, facilitate, and develop academic collaboration in the field of Ayurveda and Thai traditional medicine.