塔利班在喀布尔修筑公路造成居民流离失所,并引起赔偿方面的关切。 Taliban's road construction in Kabul displaces residents, with compensation concerns.
喀布尔的塔利班正在开展重大道路建设项目,扩大街道,改善基础设施,一些人认为这些是必需的改进。 The Taliban in Kabul is undertaking major road construction projects, widening streets and improving infrastructure, which some see as necessary improvements. 然而,这导致许多房屋和企业被拆毁,使往往没有得到承诺赔偿的弱势居民流离失所。 However, this has led to the demolition of many homes and businesses, displacing vulnerable residents who often haven't received promised compensation. 这种情况特别影响到穷人,因为阿富汗仍然是世界上最贫穷的国家之一。 This has particularly affected the poor, as Afghanistan remains one of the world's poorest countries.