作为重建受战争破坏的基础设施工作的一部分,阿富汗当局开始在赫尔曼德省修建连接拉什卡尔加和赫拉特市的主要公路和桥梁。 Afghan authorities commence major highway and bridge construction in Helmand province, linking Lashkar Gah and Herat cities, as part of rebuilding war-damaged infrastructure efforts.
阿富汗当局开始在赫尔曼德省修建连接拉什卡尔加和赫拉特市的主要公路和桥梁。 Afghan authorities begin major highway and bridge construction in Helmand province, linking Lashkar Gah and Herat cities. 该项目耗资 1.775 亿阿富汗尼(251 万美元),包括一条 27.5 公里的高速公路第一段和一座 350 米长的桥梁,由公共工程部资助。 The project, costing 177.5 million Afghanis ($2.51m), includes a 27.5 km highway first section and a 350-meter bridge, funded by the Ministry of Public Works. 作为阿富汗看守政府重建受战争破坏的基础设施的努力的一部分,其他项目包括制药厂、喀布尔机场设施以及城市街道/道路建设。 Part of the Afghan caretaker government's efforts to rebuild war-damaged infrastructure, other projects include a pharmaceutical plant, Kabul airport facilities, and street/road construction in cities.