圣赫勒拿学校区面临性虐待丑闻、辞职和家长要求透明度等要求。 St. Helens School District faces sexual abuse scandals, resignations, and demands for transparency from parents.
俄勒冈的St. Helens学校区正在处理一系列涉及对教师的性虐待指控的丑闻,导致逮捕和工作人员辞职。 The St. Helens School District in Oregon is grappling with a series of scandals involving sexual abuse allegations against teachers, leading to arrests and staff resignations. 该学区聘请了被称为“学校公关教父”的危机沟通顾问托马斯·德拉普 (Thomas DeLapp) 来管理危机,但他在被判犯有挪用公款罪后辞职。 The district hired crisis communications consultant Thomas DeLapp, known as the "Godfather of School PR," to manage the crisis, but he resigned after being convicted of embezzlement. 家长们要求学校董事会提高透明度和问责制,学校董事会在处理这一情况时遭到批评。 Parents are demanding greater transparency and accountability from the school board, which has faced criticism for its handling of the situation.