圣路易斯学校的前校长Keisha Scarlett因财务不当行为而被解雇, Former St. Louis schools chief Keisha Scarlett fired over financial misconduct, including improper payments and expenses.
一份调查报告显示,圣路易斯公立学校前校长Keisha Scarlett面临严重的财务不当行为,包括可疑的信用卡收费和未经批准向行政人员追溯付款。 An investigative report revealed that St. Louis Public Schools' former superintendent, Keisha Scarlett, faced serious financial misconduct, including questionable credit card charges and unauthorized retroactive payments to administrators. Scarlett是在调查发现行政薪酬、雇用做法和旅费问题后被解雇的。 Scarlett was fired after the investigation found issues with administrative pay, hiring practices, and travel expenses. 改进建议包括聘用内部审计主任和对信用卡和旅费设定限额。 Recommendations for improvement include hiring an Internal Audit Director and setting limits on credit card and travel expenses.