卡米拉王后在克拉伦斯宫为患病儿童主办了圣诞节活动,纪念她19岁。 Queen Camilla hosted Christmas event for ill children at Clarence House, marking her 19th year.
卡米拉王后把她的克拉伦斯之家 变成了一个供患有严重疾病的儿童的圣诞小屋 得到海伦和道格拉斯之家 以及罗尔德・达尔万岁儿童慈善会的支持 Queen Camilla transformed her Clarence House into a Christmas grotto for children with severe illnesses supported by Helen and Douglas House and Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity. 孩子们享受着装饰圣诞树、接受圣诞老人赠送的礼物以及与女王共进午餐。 The children enjoyed decorating the Christmas tree, receiving gifts from Father Christmas, and having lunch with the Queen. 这标志着卡米拉主办该活动的第19年,她说,该活动标志着节日季节的开始。 This marked the 19th year Camilla hosted the event, which she said signifies the start of the festive season.