当选总统特朗普任命卡里·雷克(Kari Lake)领导美国之音(Voice of America),引发了人们对公正性的担忧。 President-elect Trump appoints Kari Lake to lead Voice of America, sparking concerns over impartiality.
当选总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)已任命Kari Lake(前电视新闻主播、前电视新闻主播、朗普支持者)领导美国之音(VOA), President-elect Donald Trump has appointed Kari Lake, a former TV news anchor and vocal Trump supporter, to lead Voice of America (VOA), a federally funded international broadcaster. Lake没有成功竞选亚利桑那州州长和参议院, 她因支持特朗普关于2020年选举的无端主张而出名。 Lake, who unsuccessfully ran for Arizona governor and Senate, is known for her support of Trump's baseless claims about the 2020 election. Trump在他的真相社会平台上宣布了任命,指出湖将努力确保美国价值观得到公平和准确的广播。 Trump announced the appointment on his Truth Social platform, stating that Lake will work to ensure American values are broadcast fairly and accurately. 此举引起了人们对广播员独立性和公正性的担忧。 The move has raised concerns about the broadcaster's independence and impartiality.